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Creation of Toiles

Our canvases are clothes.

Based on the codes of haute couture, every detail is designed to suit every style, personality and body type.

Des vêtements comme supports artistiques

Rather than offering classic, traditional formats such as rectangular or square, we have chosen to offer our artists canvases made from clothing. This innovative concept is the basis of our entire approach.


We retain the essential elements of a traditional canvas, such as materials, texture and grain, while introducing a unique dimension: our clothing format.

Creation of Toiles

Unique trousers to suit all body shapes.

Prototyping, modelling and pattern creation.


Works of art in their own right, in limited editions. We guarantee the fidelity of the reproductions of the original works.

Reproduction of works 


Artists express themselves freely and directly on this new medium, a unique Toile.

Producing the works


Assembly of La Toile trousers with top-of-the-range finishes, respecting sustainable fashion and an eco-responsible approach;



Design and inspiration

La Toile isn't just a textile brand, it's an extraordinary clothing designer.


Their design is entirely conceived and created by us.

The creative process behind each of our garments is deeply rooted in the diversity of different worlds and stories surrounding clothing. We draw our inspiration from a wide range of fields, including military, workwear, sartorial and many others.


Each of these worlds brings a unique richness, through the distinct values they embody and their essential functionalities.


It is through refined craftsmanship that we pay particular attention to details, giving them a great deal of sophistication;


So we fuse these diverse influences and create wearable fabrics that combine style and functionality. These are top-of-the-range garments, with cuts and details that capture the spirit of each world while meeting the modern needs of our customers.

Modélisme / Prototypage / Patronnage

To bring our first canvas to life, we worked in collaboration with Osman BINDECH from BINDECH ATELIER, a model-making workshop located in the heart of the Marais in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris. A human-sized workshop working closely with various renowned haute couture houses, the crème de la crème. 


BINDECH ATELIER played an essential role in the process of creating our fabrics. Starting with our designs (sketches of the trousers), we were able to create and design prototypes. Thanks to their skills, professionalism and keen eye, together we were able to make the necessary adjustments to create the ideal prototype for our trousers, our first canvas.


Based on the prototype, BINDECH ATELIER was able to produce the paper pattern, which we validated together;


The basis of our canvas had been created! BINDECH ATELIER digitised and graded our pattern. This enables us to produce our canvases on a larger scale.

Creation of our first Toiles



We supplied the pattern to a dressmaking workshop based in the Paris region, which then produced our canvases in small batches.

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