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Reproduction of works
Works of art in their own right, in limited editions. We guarantee the fidelity of the reproductions of the original works.

To enable a wider public to acquire exceptional works of art and to help them spread the word, we have decided to publish reproductions of these original works in a very limited edition, numbered and signed by the artist himself.
To achieve this, we have set up a technical process with various partners that enables us to produce reproductions of works of art with an incomparable level of quality guaranteeing the fidelity of the original works.

Reproduction of works
Works of art in their own right, in limited editions. We guarantee the fidelity of the reproductions of the original works.

Digitisation / Maquetisation
Once the work had been recovered, we worked with VALTEX to produce digital files of the works in ultra high-definition quality;
A model maker from VALTEX then had the job of placing a motif from the original works on the pattern of our first canvas. This process is extremely important to ensure that the reproduction is as faithful as possible to the original work.
Once the pattern file has been created to perfection, it's time to print the original artwork.

Materials / Printing
Given our commitment to impeccable quality in the reproduction of works of art, we have chosen to produce our works in a natural material and choose partners recognized internationally for the quality of their products and services .
Choice of material
We have chosen to move towards a robust, breathable and comfortable natural material. Our canvas is made of 100% cotton woven in France , from the TELATEX factories located in the Vosges, in the Grand-Est region.
TLATEX is heir to more than 160 years of experience in engineering and fabric production and defends a quality French industry.
Why choose 100% cotton:
Naturally soft and comfortable material to wear
Breathable material
Hypoallergenic material
For printing we have established a partnership with one of the world's leading experts in textile printing, the company SIEGL, based in the department of Isère, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
Their experience and internal process allow us to have a perfect reproduction identical to the original works down to the smallest details and color rendering.